Special Glue Super-G
The very low-viscosity special glue Super-G is based on the motto innovation through knowledge transfer on adhesive technology in the dental field. This has resulted in a glue that is deeply absorbed, has a short curing time and develops a high adhesive strength. So materials are additionally fixed even by using only a few drops.
Categories: Creasing Matrix - Tuning Material, Counter Material
Tags: Fixierung, G-Tape, Pertinax, Rillzurichtungen, Sekundenkleber, Sekundenklebstoffe, Spezial-Kleber, Spezialkleber, Spezialklebstoffe, Spezielle Klebstoffe
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Problem definition:
- Short creasing matrixes or Pertinax matrices detach from the cutting plate
→ Quality loss due to floating or moving creasing matrixes or Pertinax matrices
Cause of error:
- Dust or impurities on the cutting plate
- Worn plates with many notches
- Too short creasing matrixes or too small Pertinax matrices
The solution: prevent and lose no time
- Special glue Super-G for higher production reliability & creasing quality
- Additional fixation of creasing matrixes and Pertinax matrices → The liquid special glue is drawn under the material and hardens